A.M. Handley Journal

A journal (1/19 – 6/29/1859) written by Augustus M. Handley, a young British Army officer in the 19th Regiment of Foot, of a voyage from Gravesend, England, to Calcutta, India, aboard the sailing ship H.M.S. <emph render="italic" xmlns="urn:isbn:1-931666-22-9">Bucton Castle</emph> with Captain Moorsom commanding. The journal contains a detailed description of daily life aboard the <emph render="italic" xmlns="urn:isbn:1-931666-22-9">Bucton Castle</emph>, including various personalities on board, daily activities, an explanation of the ship's time-keeping, a drawing of the ship with parts labeled, notes on the how-to of navigation, changing weather conditions, sea conditions, and meetings with the various ships along the way.